Wednesday, December 6, 2006

It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine

What is the world coming to?  Taking "under God" out of the pledge, removing "in God we trust" from our money, not allowing the Ten Commandments on federal property, outlawing prayer in school.  It seems Christianity is under attack.


Maybe that's the way it needs to be.  "Christianity" is mainstream now, its a part of pop culture.  Its so mainstream that now "Christians" are getting up in arms over this Congressman Keith Ellison taking his oath on the Qu'ran instead of the Bible (Story).
"Conservative radio commentator Dennis Prager stoked the flames this week by writing that "America, not Keith Ellison, decides what book a Congressman takes his oath on."

Prager challenged Ellison to either take his oath using the Bible or "not serve" in Congress. He said swearing on the Qu'ran, "undermines American civilization."

The American Family Association issued an electronic action alert to its members across the nation, calling attention to Prager's article. The organization also urged its followers to write their members of Congress, demanding that a bill be passed naming the Bible the only book that can be used in oaths.

Ellison's transition team has been bombarded with e-mail messages, most of them hateful in tone, attacking Islam, the Qu'ran and especially Ellison. The Ellison staff forwarded some of them to KARE 11 News.

"You worthless human being," began one. It continued by saying, "Your actions will play well with your terrorist buddies."

Another declared, "the devil is ruling."

"Shame on you!" said one writer, who added, "I think you want to serve the Muslim call to destroy our nation."

"You are using political correctness to push down the heritage of America," said one contributor.

"This country was not created on religion but on Christianity.""

Is this really what its all about? Is this what the message of Jesus has been reduced to?  We've taken a message of "love God and love everyone else" and turned it into a justification for prejudice and hatred.  We have used our "religion" as an excuse to hate people who aren't like us.  After all Jesus was a white, middle-class suburbanite who voted Republican and was a card-carrying member of the NRA, right?   I don't think so...  It's like the popular Christian bumper sticker:

"Christian's aren't perfect... Just forgiven"
(and smug, apparently) 

Maybe the decline of Christianity in this country will lead to the rise of Christ followers.  It's so easy to be a "Christian" here in America, try going to China or a Middle Eastern country and professing your faith.  As Rick McKinley says, suffering isn't in our western vocabulary.  Sure, we are inconvenienced by set-backs here and there but our experiences are nothing compared to people who live in war-torn areas of the world or in nations where owning the Bible is grounds for capital punishment. 

Often times I get caught up in the idea that its all about me and my feelings, I know all of the answers and it's my duty to be the morality police.  I can be a real prick sometimes...well most of the time.  I see the quotes from the haters who are bashing this Muslim man and I think "I would never say a thing like that".  But I have and, in some situations, I'm sure I would.

I think there is an underground Christian movement that's behind the scenes trying to right the name of Christ followers, and I want to be apart of that Christianity.  Not the one who would persecute a man for standing up for what he thinks is right and true and good.  The truth is, we are bombarded by the worst caricature of Christianity.  When there is a hot moral/religious issue (like this one) who do the reporters go to for a reaction?  Who do the talking heads in the mainstream media bring on their shows?

No seriously....

Is it the guy who says "Hey, there are many sides to this issue and it might take a long time to get things all sorted out and in the end we may never really have the answer".  Of course not, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Rush, Franken, Hannity and others want to bring on the psycho-Christian wack-job who will say that God hates "those people" and Christians don't want anything to do with them.

I say bring on the popular decline of Christianity, and let's continue to support the idea that people are a unique and special creation of God.  It's our job to love them and help them through the process of following Christ.  I want to support the idea that Christians are a group of people getting together to make lives better.  Its not my place to judge whether this guy's "saved" or going to hell.  Yes a sin is a sin but a sinner is still a person.  I am a sinner and my sin is no better or worse than theirs. 

Bring on the revolution!