Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Socially Conservative (w/out the suppressed antisemitism)

I remember growing up liberal, I was in 3rd grade and I decided that I was pro-choice. I also decided at 5 years old that Michael Dukakis should be our next president over George H.W. Bush. Later in life I was caught in the grip of Christian Fundamentalism and took a radical "right-wing" agenda.

A quick aside: Why is it that those who are strong believers and subscribers to the church of evolution and "survival of the fittest" are most often liberals, who by nature, advocate a lesser form of socialism rather than capitalism which leads to social Darwinism or an economic "survival of the fittest"? And what about the "religious right" claiming to be on the side of the Savior, who's first-century followers practiced a communal living style that was reminiscent of socialism, while at the same time exploiting all that capitalism has to offer, comfortably seated in their mega-churches shouting damnation at the masses the whole time seeming eerily pharisaic.

I guess that wasn't such a "short" aside...sorry

Slowly over the last 5 years I feel like I stepped off of the conservative train to take a look around and it left me at the station...

I'm now struggling in the middle of "no-label land"

What I mean is, I don't see my self heading back the other way to "liberal" and I'm not sure that I can keep going to my "conservative" destination. I still inevitably vote for the Republican even though its more like the lesser of two evils. I guess I'm a mixture of parties, a political mutt if you will.

I consider myself pro-life ever since the addition of my adopted sister who's biological mother, if given the same "choice" in her native Russia, would have probably chosen abortion. In the same breath I used to say that I supported the death penalty. Which never seemed to be a contradiction at the time but now (after taking my departure from the "Conservative Express") it seems that I should be against capital punishment.

Now its not as easy as it seems... Am I sad that Saddam Hussein was put to death....yes and no. I am sad that a human being, created by God lost his life and I know deep down inside that his sentence was probably not in line with God. But did I do my fair share of thinking that he deserved it... yes.

My guess is that God doesn't have a political party, as Rick McKinley says the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. We really can't imagine that, can we? How refreshing would that be to have someone with ultimate and supreme power in control that loves us enough to send his only Son (I'll skip the rest, there will be an alter call later to the tune of "Just as I am", but make sure you place your offering in the box before you come up)

Seriously though, imagine a world under the rule of someone who's main concern is our well-being, who always acted in our best interest, and not just our frivolous wants and material desires.

Man, that would be cool, but until that happens I'll be over here struggling with my labellessness

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