Friday, April 20, 2007

Hokie News?

The media disgusts me... even more now than ever. Why on earth are we giving airtime to this psycho? (Story) I think the tragedy is only magnified by the media giving the killer everything he wanted. Not only did he get to act out his horrendous killing spree but now his message is being broadcast on almost every Internet and media outlet available. Public awareness is fine but why are we giving his "manifesto" free publicity? He mailed his package to NBC... of course he wanted it to be broadcast everywhere, now the media has granted his dying wish...sick, just sick. Like one of my friends said to me:

Unfortunately this is yet another example of the media approaching a situation not with dignity and respect, but rather with a morbid curiosity that diverts attention from the victims and places the killer on a pedestal for everyone to examine. This individual needs no further public examination...his act alone was enough to convince any rational person that he was a deranged psychopath. Why give him the spotlight? Why spread his message of hate and violence? We have a responsibility to the families in this tragedy to HELP them heal, not to create some kind of sick soap opera. The media's coverage is resulting in angst instead of healing, indifference instead of aid, and fear instead of hope.

Now to those who share this guy's psychosis, he's a martyr and just like Columbine the media is describing to all potential domestic terrorists how to take revenge on your local school or office. Now they all have assurance that their message will be heard by the world

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